Voting Portal Tabs explained
put features here which can be interesting to users, but prio is not clear. user votes can be very valuable for prioritisation. until now it has not been sooo valuable because we don't have many users (customers) yet and therefore too few votes. Create Trello ticket for design team to create voting portal graphic.
after the feature prio sync and the roadmap seems clear, put new features on the tab PLANNED in the dedicated Quarter row. Create Trello ticket for design team to create voting portal graphic.
If new feature was released and is live on Production, put it onto the Released tab in its quarter row. Helpcenter articles and announcement post should also be published before moving the card / feature to RELEASED.
How to create a voting portal card
Navigate to Portals
Click on the plus icon on the left downer corner
Search for the feature
Click on the feature
Click on upload image
Upload voting portal graphic that was designed by Designer
Important! Redefine good voting portal heading (should be understandable for users)
Important! Redefine good voting portal description (List of benefits / added value for the user)
Define the area where it should be posted
Click on Not posted
Select Vote here or Planned + the correct Quarter
Click on create