In the case you have Tapkey already in use you have 2 options:
Gradually switching:
You setup the connection between Tapkey and Kinnovis with the following 3 steps and only new bookings are going to be managed by Kinnovis. The accesses of the old bookings are still managed in Tapkey. So eventually all bookings will be managed by the Kinnovis Manager.
In case you want to have a clean sleigh to avoid any manual work later when using the revoke/restore access functionality of the Kinnovis Manager. You setup the connection between Tapkey and Kinnovis with the following 3 steps and then contact our support. Request a full synchronization, which means for all available active bookings in the Kinnovis Manager the access will be set in Tapkey. -> If you decide for this, you have to make sure that the emails of the bookings match with the emails used in the Tapkey system. The customers can only open locks which have matching emails adresses of the booking.
All the following 3 steps are needed to successfully set up a working integration between Tapkey and the Kinnovis Manager.
Step 1
First go to "Integrations" search for the Access Provider Tapkey and click on "Connect" to open the configuration window, as shown in this screenshot:
First choose the location(s) you are using Tapkey for, and you want to connect with the Manager from the drop-down.
Next get the Client ID and Client Secret of the connection by opening this page and log in.
If it is your fist time logging into that portal, you will be promped to fill out some integrators information, fill in information about your company and your contacts.
Then click on "OAuth Clients" (1.) and click on the "+" Button in the right bottom corner (2.). In the popup that opens add name "Kinnovis Manager" (3.), choose Grant Type "Client Credentials" (4.), check the checkbox (5.), "ReadAndWrite" (6.), "ReadAndWrite" (7.). At last click on the "Add" Button (8.).
Another popup will appear that shows you the Client ID and Client Credentials, put this directly into the Manager configuration popup and do not write it down somewhere else for security reasons.
For the Locking System ID log in into then click on "Locking System Settings" and copy the "Locking system id":
Step 2
Now we need to make sure the Kinnovis Manager knows which unit that was created in the Manager relates to which unit in the Tapkey System. There are 2 ways to do that.
The manual way
This makes sense if there are not too many units to be mapped or if you are adding some new ones:
Go to a units detail page in the Kinnovis Manager and click on the pencil icon of the section "General":
The popup that is opening offers now a field called "Access Permissions", which needs to be filled with the Tapkey Unit ID. The dropdown loads the available locks from Tapkey and you just need to assign the correct one.
Once you successfully saved, the Kinnovis Manager knows to which unit in the Tapkey system to give access to the customer of a booking, when a new move in happens.
The bulk assignment way
If you have a long list of units to assign, this can be very cumbersome and error-prone to do manually, in this case it makes sense you contact our support to help you. Please prepare an Excel List with 2 columns, "Tapkey Lock ID" (e.g. ea610634-4fc0-4084-85b2-bebf52c3595f) and "Kinnovis Unit Name" and provide all the units you want to have connected. We then can do that assignment in bulk in our database.
Currently Tapkey does not offer a way to bulk export the Tapkey Lock IDs, so currently the only way to get the Tapkey Lock ID by opening a locks detail page and copy the ID from the URL:
Step 3
To inform your customer about how to access their unit, make sure to set up an email for the email trigger "Booking creation" and/or "Move-in date reached"
The content of this email has to include at least a link where to download the Tapkey App:
Apple App Store:
Android Play Store:
Additionally, inform them that they have to register in the Tapkey App using the same Email address as provided in the Manager, so they have their accesses available once the move in date is reached.
You can also inform them about which email they have to use for registering in the Tapkey app using this email merge tag:
Once you customer download and logged in into the Tapkey App and the move in date of their booking reached they can open the locks within reach that they have access to. Users generally tap and hold the button in the Tapkey App to open the locks, this requires BLE access. If users are using android they can directly place their phone nearby the Lock and via NFC the lock would be opened.