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Setting up E-Signatures

Step-by-step instructions to integrate Signable with Kinnovis

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over 10 months ago

Step 1: Set up your account with Signable

Before diving in, ensure you have created an account with Signable. Visit their website to set up your account through this link. An existing Signable account is required to integrate it with Kinnovis.

Be aware that you must have a paid Signable subscription in order to use the integration with Kinnovis (feature "API access").

Step 2: Integrate your Signable account with Kinnovis

1. Once you have a working Signable account, move to the “Connected Apps” tab to the "Signable" dialog in the Kinnovis manager. Be aware that only users with the “Admin” role can see this tab.

2. Chose for which existing location you want to use e-signatures. You can set up multiple connections at once.

3. Paste Signable’s API key to connect with your account.

Note: To get the API key, log into Signable and go to “Company Settings” to generate an API key for the integration. Find detailed instructions here.

4. If the connection was successfully, the e-signatures setting options get available in the locations detail view. Make sure to activate the e-signature functionality for the specific locations (Locations > E-Signature > activate toggle). Enabling this setting will allow you to send contracts if you create bookings via the manager.

5. To enable E-Signatures in your booking portal, navigate to the booking portal tab in your manager to location settings, chose the specific location for which you want to turn on the feature and enable the toggle.

Step 3: Set up contract templates via Signable

1. Sign in to your Signable account, navigate to "Templates" on the left-side panel, and choose "New Template." Assign a recognizable name to the template for easy identification in your Kinnovis manager later.

2. Access the file upload area by either clicking into the box or dragging and dropping your document.

3. Customize your contracts for individual customers by adding necessary fields such as text, dates, or signatures on the provided page.

Note: Make sure to click on "Assign" at the bottom right to assign your input fields to the right merge tags. These merge tags are then used to fill your customers' data dynamically.

If you are using Signable for the first time, add recognisable tag names into the "Add prefill type" field (e.g. "address", "first name", "deposit") by clicking on "+". These tags will later appear in Setp 4 in your manager.

This setup is a one-time process, as the template will auto-save for future use.

ATTENTION: Please note that currently, we can only support a single-party signing process. This means that through our Signable integration, the contract should only be signed by your customer. If you require both parties (you and your customer) to sign the contract, you can print the contract signed by your customer and manually sign it yourself.

Step 4: How to configure contracts for your locations

Now connect the dots! With your template ready, proceed to the Kinnovis manager to add contracts for the specific locations as needed.

1. By now, you should have enabled e-signatures for a specific location (step 2). Now click on "edit" to input the required details (Locations > E-Signature > edit). Specify the contract name, the contract language, for which languages the contract should be accessible and choose the template previously crafted in Signable (step 3).

2. Establish a connection between pre-filled contract fields by mapping the template fields to Kinnovis' merge tags. This action ensures that placeholders in the contract are dynamically filled, personalizing each contract seamlessly following a booking.

Keywords: esignature, signature, sign, esigning
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