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All CollectionsGetting startedStep #4 (optional) - Setup your Booking Portal
Step #4a - "Global Settings" of your Booking Portal
Step #4a - "Global Settings" of your Booking Portal

Here's a guide to help you set up your Booking Portal

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Written by Technical-Support
Updated over a year ago

Once you finished setting up and configuring your Stripe account (Step 2a - 2f), you can proceed with setting up your booking portal.

Booking Portal settings

The settings of the Booking Portal are divided into:

  • Global settings and

  • Location settings

As you have one Booking Portal for all of your locations, you can control all "global" settings in the "Global Settings". You might want to display different information for your different locations, which can be controlled in the "Location Settings".

Global Settings

In the "Global Settings" you can:

  • configure general settings,

  • configure the appearance via the "Color Palette" and

  • setup Google Analytics v4 tracking

To get started, navigate to "Booking Portal" > "Global Settings".


In the general settings, you can configure:

  • the font family used in your Booking Portal

  • the logo, which will be displayed on the top left of your Booking Portal

  • the favicon, which will be used for the browser tab icon of your Booking Portal

Color Palette

The overall goal of the color palette is to make your Booking Portal look like your website, so, that your customers won't notice they are on a different website once they decide to book a unit. Therefore, we recommend using the same colors as on your website.

If you are not sure, where a color will be applied in the Booking Portal, you can always "hover" over the info-icons, where you see exactly on which elements the color is applied.


With the latest GPDR regulations, Google released a new version of Google Analytics, called Google Analytics v4. You can add your Google Analytics v4 measurement ID, which will then be automatically loaded in your Booking Portal.

Note: We only support Google Analytics v4 IDs.

If you are not sure where to find your Google Analytics v4 ID, please have a look at the Google documentation, which explains where to find the ID.

The next step is to configure the settings for each of your locations for your booking portal.

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