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All CollectionsConnected AppsSensorbergSetup Guide
Step #3a (Internal) - Add KINNOVIS OAuth to Sensorberg
Step #3a (Internal) - Add KINNOVIS OAuth to Sensorberg
Technical Support avatar
Written by Technical Support
Updated over a week ago

If you have completed Step #1 and created the Client ID and Client Secret in KINNOVIS you are ready for the connecting the KINNOVIS OAuth to Sensorberg.

  1. Go got the home view of Sensorberg management platform.
    <Your Sensorberg Domain>/manager/units/dashboard

  2. Click on “App Builder” of the facility you want to connect

  3. Click on “Mobile Apps” in the menu

  4. Click on the plus icon in the top right

  5. Fill out the Mobile App form

    1. Type in a name like “KINNOVIS OAuth #1"

    2. Choose for Authentication type “External OAuth2 Provider

    3. Choose for OAuth Provider "Generic"

    4. Copy over the Client ID from the KINNOVIS Manager you created in Step 1

    5. Copy over the Client Secret from the KINNOVIS Manager you created in Step 1

    6. Check the checkbox "Should email address, firstname ..."

    7. Copy over this Site URL

    8. Copy over this Authorize URL

    9. Copy over this Token URL

    10. Copy over this Path of raw information

    11. For Path to UID in raw information fill in

    12. For Scope fill in

    13. Leave the checkbox "Send the scope parameter..." checked

    14. Click on "Create Mobile App"

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