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Sensorberg Setup Preqrequisites


Technical-Support avatar
Written by Technical-Support
Updated over a year ago

Before starting to set up the Sensorberg integration, make sure the following things are set up in the KINNOVIS Manager:

  1. Set up Emails for the following triggers

    1. "Reset password"

    2. "Access shared"

    3. "Access revoked"

    4. "Access got revoked by operator"

    5. (Once the whole Sensorberg Setup is finished and the App is updated, also adjust your Welcome Email - the customers can now use the "Forgot Password" Option in the App to set their password)

  2. Set up the "Booking portal subdomain"

    1. In the menu got to -> Booking portal -> Global Settings -> General Card: click on the pencil to edit it and make sure you have the "Booking portal subdomain" set.

The next step is to create the client ID and client secret in Sensorberg

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